Hey ya'll... i think i'm prone to long breaks in between posts and gotta apologise about that.. guess sometimes i'm too lazy to start blogging.. Well anyways here i am.. and it's chi new yr eve! great.. super long weekend for us away from the dreaded place we call our camp.. haha. Just came back from outfield actually.. 4 days 3 nights.. pretty exhausting stuff but what to do? And hearing that non-combat servicemen are getting an extra hundred bucks which makes their allowance even with us makes it even more demoralising.. I mean.. c'mon.. sitting in the office and sweating your guts out in the field.. who deserves more? Anyways.. let's not spoil the mood..
Nothing much happened past few weeks.. though I got back in contact with a pri sch friend.. which was really amazing cos I guess it's not easy.. after like 10yrs.. and the ironic thing is we're neighbours.. prob a 5 mins walk from my place. Well all's well.
Now let's see what's there to talk abt today.. yes.. You know how some images will suddenly come to mind.. not knowing what triggered it.. and it's amazing how some things that happened even before i entered pri sch still sticks in your head after so long..
Guess not a lot of people know about this.. but I had this incident when I was a kid.. not sure how old i was but definitely before I entered pri sch.. was at some hotel or some place with my mum and was gonna go to the pool.. and you know.. kids.. get excited easily.. and me being a hyperactive one at that.. saw a slide by the side of the pool, ran to it, climbed up and slide right into the pool.. nvm that i can't swim.. remember sinking like a rock and couldn't get out and couldn't breathe.. was looking up and suddenly saw someone dive into the pool and pulled me out..
Some people might have a fear of swimming after that but don't know why.. maybe I just love being in the water. Kept getting my dad to bring me to the pool.. until finally when I was 6yrs old I joined my cousins to take swimming lessons.. been swimming ever since.. and i'm still with the same coach.. my coach practically saw me grow up.. yea.. love swimming a lot. Haven't swam much since I enlisted but i hope to catch up any chance i got.
Now maybe for some pics..

Took this pic some night at merlion park.. just playing around with the cam's aperture..

This one's taken last weekend above suntec's fountain of wealth..

Hey's a pic of my cousin's dog alfie.. cute lil' dog ain't he?

Another snapshot.. this time of my sis's phone..
Alright that's abt it.. enjoy the pics.. tag me so i know who've visited!
Last but not least wishing everyone a Happy Lunar New Year! Gong Xi Fa CaI!