Hey! Well.. Just realised I've already had this blog for a year already.. and what a crazy year it has been.. gone through lots of shit.. mostly in the army.. really hate the army.. still do.. something i saw during my overseas stint in the soldiers' barrack bed.. someone wrote "Once Armour, Always Suffer". Haha yea the guys had a laugh about it but it's true we do more shit than others.. well that's life.. as I always say.. life is never fair.
Anyway.. found out that one of my bros finally got hitched.. think the guys are all really happy for him.. since he's been so sincere and committed.. the girl should be touched.. haha. He said, "Seeing your friend getting hitched, wouldn't you want to find a gf as well?". I didn't really answer him.. but I think.. if I were to meet a girl now it would be a miracle.. considering I spend 5 days in camp... it's not doing my social circle any good! Told ya I hate army.. Well anyway this prob ain't the best time to get into a relationship.. if I meet someone I guess it's fate then..
"What about someone from the past you can't forget?" he said. Haha I don't know man.. who is there? there hasn't been many.. though another thing which i always say comes up again.. Right girl at the wrong time.. equals wrong in the end isn't it?
Fate is cruel..
Anyways...... watched Pirates of the caribbean! Wasn't that bad.. though it was pretty confusing at times.. Had dinner at this chinese restaurant at the Hotel Intercontinental after that with my family.. celebrating my mum's birthday in advance.. well picture time again!

My lovely siblings and I

Oh yea.. few weeks ago I met up with my primary school friend.. thought it was really amazing to be able to meet up after like 10 years after we graduated.. here's a pic

that's abt it for now i guess.. check back later!
hey hey hey! Posting time again.. yes.. was on leave these two days.. and took the opportunity to go out and meet up with my poly friends whom I haven't seen in a while. Was out about on thurs.. my friend Jack wanted to get a new phone and a PSP while I had intended to get a piece of ram for my pc and the samsung K3.. So off we went to PS to get the nokia phone he was eyeing and then we headed to sim lim where we finished off our "mission".. getting the stuff we had intended to buy.. man the K3 is really beautiful.. love it man..
Anyway it came with a promo and got some free gifts that came with it so headed down to funan to get the free gift before meeting up with WK and WT. Turned out wed was WK's birthday so we went to have dinner and a belated bday dinner with him too. Headed down to clarke quay after dinner.. the place really changed a lot.. so happening now.. man haven't set foot there since secondary school... must have missed out a lot.
Today went out with my army friends to catch a movie we were so curious about cos of the review we read in First mag.. after that we went to check out collector's toys.. saw this beautiful set of Bleach figures but it cost so much.. so decided not to burst the bank... one of them did though.. splurged on a Jack Sparrow and a Spider-man.. after that met up with my cuz at clarke quay (again..).. ended up at starbucks cos we didn't really feel like drinkin'.. after that gotta take a ride in her new ride! a BMW 3 series.. man it's comfortable.. got to drive it home too.. man the feeling can't be put in words.. totally diff from a jap car.... let's just say that totally made my day.. haha
well now for some pictures..

Clarke quay...

My parents' wedding anniversary at the intercontinental hotel last week

a snapshot..
Well that's all.. take care y'all!