Haha yup I guess I'm procrastinating huh? Well I said before, the reason I started this blog was simply because I wanted an outlet to vent my frustrations or when I'm feeling emo and stuff and have no one to talk to. Anyway here I am! Ok let's see, shall update you ppl. I completed my national service 2 weeks ago, and this is for those who kept asking what am I doing now or what am I gonna do, I haven't been doing anything these few weeks. I'm looking for a job, a full-time one. Hopefully can find a workplace near my place. Decided not to continue my studies for the time being. Gonna work for a year before continuing my studies. Gives me some time to think about what I wanna do in the future too right? Anyway what made me come to decision is that partly cause I'm running out of money, like seriously low. Haha I gotta control my spending man. The next thing is, I know I can't get into a local university unless I take up part-time studies so studying at a private institute's gonna be pretty costly. My sis Jiazhen is already studying at SIM at her school fees are really ex so if I start studying it's really not gonna be easy on my mother if she's to pay both of our school fees. So yup.
I'll be going off on holiday folks! Going to Perth in Western Australia on the 15th of July till the 23rd of July. After the holiday I'll go start on a full time job so hopefully things will be good. Show me the money!
Today I met up with some of my ATI BX batchmates. They organised a dinner gathering at Sakura restaurant at orchard. The food's mediocre in my opinion. $30? I don't mind paying a bit more to eat at a hotel buffet. Anyway it was great to meet up with them again. Talked cock and sang song like we did back in ATI. Took a picture, the only picture we took tonight. Here take a look....

Haha yup we went our separate ways after the dinner but hopefully we'll meet up again soon.
Watched 'You don't mess with the Zohan' last night with my girlfriend. It's a really funny movie, just pure senseless fun! Watch it for a great laugh yo. Anyway it's getting late, time to go back to the quarter-final between Spain and Italy! Then it's bedtime.
See ya when I see ya.