2:24 AM
Ok hello guys. I'm supposed to post a picture of Wall.E and write a one-liner about why I wanna catch this movie! Ok this mailer will explain things
"All you have to do is put up a short blog post (a one liner will do), with a photo of Wall-E, telling us why you'd like to catch this movie! Up to 50 bloggers will get a pair of tickets each if their post is chosen by your loving nuffies! (US!)"
Ok here's a picture of the adorable wall-e!

I would love to catch Wall-E because isn't Wall-E and Eve the two sweetest robots you'd ever meet? And I've waited TWO MONTHS to catch it and my girlfriend love Wall-E to bits so it would be really great to watch it with her! Cheers!
So guys please post about Wall-E and you might get to win a pair of tickets yourself! All the best!
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1:02 PM
Hello. It's kinda weird blogging at this hour because I usually blog in the middle of the night when I'm at my "emo-est". Oh before anything...........

This one's for you girlfriend. =)
Ok now back to topic. My sis just flew off last night to New York to study there for one semester. So it's about 4.5 months and she'll be back by Boxing Day tentatively. Haha so you guys will prob see the same blogskin till then cos she's my official blogskin maker! She's prob still on the plane now and will prob reach around 11pm tonight singapore time.
Take care sis. Have fun there yo!
I just celebrated my birthday recently too, on 2nd August. Thank you to all(not many) who have remembered(by friendster alert or anything else) and wished me Happy Birthday, really appreciate it. Went to Aquamarine at Marina Mandarin for dinner with my family and my girlfriend. The food was very good, and in conjunction with National Day, there was this theme going on, 60's Singapore. There was some very nice retro local food then we can't find anywhere else. There's also the seafood. Wah like nice! There was also a lot retro decorations put up in the restaurant. There's those old biscuit tins, old soft drink bottles and vinyl record players! As that night was the NDP preview show too, we managed to catch the fireworks up close. There was also a complimentary cake from the restaurant, on top of the one my parents and girlfriend got me, i had 3 cakes in total! And they are all chocolate cakes!
The restaurant staff surprised me too when all of them came over and sang me a birthday song when they brought the cake over. Yup so overall it was a nice experience. We went home after that to cut the other two cakes and that was the end of the day!
Alright I guess that's all today. Still feeling weird my sis is not around. Heard that zhen! Faster come back and do ur crazy rants ah! I wonder how the house was like last time when I enlisted for NS. I think it was pretty quiet too. haha.
Ok see ya peeps. Check in soon.
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5:52 PM
oh what the heck. Nothing to do so here goes y'all...

This is me at Fremantle market. A really old place full of goodies. Too bad we only went there for abt an hour. Every place closes at 5pm there you know?

And this is The Gap and also the Natural Bridge down at Albany, Western Australia. 'Nuff said.

Lo & behold The Valley of the Giants Tree-top walk! You gotta be there to believe the view!

And this is the Glouchester Tree. There's this small treehouse up at the very top of this tree, I didn't climb all the way up there though.

This is Busselton Jetty, which is at 1.84km the longest wooden jetty in the southern hemisphere! Too bad we went there during very bad weather conditions, check out Wikipedia to see the amazing view there!

This is the view from my aunt's place, where we were staying during our trip to Perth. Really nice quiet place with a lovely view.

This is my aunt's place from outside. Lovely ain't it?
Alright that's all for today. Will post more another day I promise. So check in soon y'all.
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5:19 PM
Hello! Sorry I haven't been updating my blog, just didn't feel like updating it. Well I really enjoyed the Perth weather when I was there. Wish I could have stayed there a while longer! Bought quite a lot of stuff too, well mostly for the girlfriend but yea.. you know how it is right? haha. Spent most of the time on the road though.
The first day we reached there we went shopping at Harbour Town. It is this factory outlet shopping arcade and all the shops there are on sale. Bought a pair of adidas sneakers and some tees there. Oh well the next day we took a road trip down south towards Albany and visited some of the attractions there like The Gap, Valley of the Giants cum Tree-top Walk, Busselton Jetty(which is 1.84km long!), and the Glouchester Tree.
The last stop of the road trip we went to visit my cousin Xianghui's place and his wife. They seem to be doing well and their house looks really cosy, just nice for two persons plus one coming along the way in her tummy! Congrats bro!
Spent the next few days just shopping at their supermarkets pretty much like Giant or Carrefour here. There's Target, K-Mart, Coles and Woolworths I think. The last two is pretty much like a super gigantic Cold Storage. Yup so that was pretty much it! I'll post pictures another day. Still trying to sort out the hundreds of photos I took.
Anyway it's my birthday tomorrow. Sian man i'm old already. haha feeling very sian though. Feel so troubled lately, yet no one to here me out. sigh, like i'm carrying a huge boulder on my back everyday. Oh wells, hope things will get better soon.
See ya later alligators =)
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